Washington Aerospace Club
National Association of Rocketry Section 578
Tripoli Rocketry Association Prefecture 41

7/12/2008 Meeting Minutes

Meeting began shortly after 7:00PM on July 12th, 2008 at the Microsoft campus in Redmond. The meeting was run by Carl Hamilton also taking the minutes. Hence, this month's minutes are a little sparse.

Old Business

Selling Launch Pads

Neil Anderson expressed interest in a new K-pod. If we could round up some more interest in pads, Denny Smith could run the parts necessary as a batch and then the pads could be assembled as time permitted over the winter.

New Business

Water Tank

Greg Deputy has offered the club a 250 gallon water tank to be used for fire suppression at the Snell Ranch. This would be great to have on-site in order to replenish spent fire extinguishers. The questions are: do we set it up at the site permanently or haul it with the rest of the GSE? If it is on-site, we still need a way to fill it periodically. If we haul it like the other GSE, we have an additional large item to carry and it would need to be filled in town and hauled to the site full. Full, the tank would weigh ~2000 pounds.

August Launch

The August launch is still on, but we need a launch director.

October Launch

Mike Wyvel has volunteered to the launch director for the October launch.

FITS 2008 Photos

Kent Newman has a great group photo from FITS 2008 and has volunteered to print and ship them to interested parties. It was decided that $15/photo would be sufficient to cover Kent's costs and provide income for the club. We don't need to setup a photo-specific ordering page on the web site; we will just have people send $15 to the club via PayPal.

Club Trailer Storage

Dan Work, who currently stores and cares for the club trailer between launches, will be moving from Fife several miles to the North. His new location has room for the trailer and he expects that we will be able to continue storing it.

Club Trailer Usage

There are club members that would like the opportunity to use the club trailer when traveling to distant regional launches, most notably any launch at Black Rock. It has been requested that the BOD come up with the requirements and waivers to allow club members to use the trailer for such rocketry-related events. Some of the initial requirements will be that the use is purely rocketry-related; using it for personal use isn't allowed. Users will need to provide proof of insurance that will cover their use of the trailer so that the cost of any accident will not be the club's responsibility.

High Altitude Altimeters

Jim Wilkerson gave an excellent overview of altimeters based on different technologies, how they can fail when used outside their specifications, and how this can affect the outcome of altitude record attempts. The outcome of these issues is that a TRA committee has been formed to evaluate various technologies and provide a list of altimeters that can be used for altitude record attempts.


Bill Wyvel
Bryan Young
Carl Hamilton
Dan Work
Denny Smith
Jim Wilkerson
Mike Wyvel
Neil Anderson


Dan Glasgow

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