Washington Aerospace Club
National Association of Rocketry Section 578
Tripoli Rocketry Association Prefecture 41

1/5/2008 Meeting Minutes

Meeting began shortly after 7:00PM on January 5th, 2008 at Peace Lutheran Church in Puyallup.

Officer Elections

Voting for the 2008 club officers occurred during December. There was some concern that due to the number people that joined the club at FITS we would have trouble reaching a quorum. There was ~60% participation in the email voting system, which resulted in a valid results. The club officers for 2008 are:
President: Kent Newman
Secretary/Treasurer: Carl Hamilton
Launch/GSE Operations: Mike Wyvel

2008 Club Goals

Kent outlined some of the goals he believes the club should pursue during 2008.

  • FITS
    • Updated mid/low-lower power launch controller -- Andrew MacMillen is already working on this.
    • Updated mid-power pads -- these would be scaled down K-pods.
    • Updated PA/FM transmitter.
  • Newsletter to be published bi-annually
  • Work toward hosting NARCON in 2010
    • Hold at Museum of Flight in coordination with the G. Harry Stine Exhibit.
    • Visits to Boeing would be a related draw.
    • Would provide excellent PR for the club and the NW rocketry community.
    • Jim Wilkerson will begin discussions with NAR officials and the Museum of Flight to determine its viability.
  • Achieve 90% of our 2007 income
    • 2007 income will be available by February's meeting, giving this goal a hard target.
    • It's critical to make our trailer payments.
  • Continue the search for a Western Washington launch site.

Meeting Schedule

Kent provided a rough schedule for topics and presentations for future meetings.

  • February
    • Level 1 certification tips
    • Performance tips
  • March -- to be held at Microsoft campus in Redmond
    • Level 2 certification tips
    • Recovery components
    • Electronic deployment -- single and dual
  • April
    • Motor building
    • Avionics
  • May -- to be held at Dan Work's place
    • Cleaning/tune-up party in preparation for FITS
  • June -- to be held at Dan Work's place
    • Post FITS cleaning party

Western Washington Launch Sites

Progress on locating a high-power launch site continues slowly. Potential launch site have been assigned to people to research (http://www.washingtonaerospace.org/launch_sites/), but additional information has only been gather for a few sites.

Dan Work described two potential sites you spotted. One new Toledo, WA (maybe this field: http://tinyurl.com/295xt6) and another near Chehalis, WA.

Two areas near McChord AFB were also discussed where free-flight airplanes are flown on a regular basis: areas 14 and 15. While free-flight airplanes have been allowed on these fields, it seems unlikely that rockets would be.

Mansfield Launch Site Relocation

We are still working to develop an alternate launch site on Tom Snell's land ~10 miles east of the city of Mansfield. Kent and Andy will head up the effort to determine our requirements and design a layout that will accommodate parking, camping, and a range that will meet NAR and TRA requirements. We hope to have the area graded for ~$1000.

Possible Alternate Meeting Site

Greg Wilson offered the space above his new hobby store in Auburn as an alternate location to hold our meetings. The space has chairs, tables, and apparently a television.

Club Fair Materials

Bill Clugston reminded us that he still has the club's fair banner as well as a number of built rockets donated by Pat Floyd that we have displayed in our booths at various fairs. These will be important if we decide to attend the up-coming Model Hobby Expo in February.

Annual Dues Review

The possibility of changing our annual dues was brought up. Costs for various other clubs were given; many with lower dues but higher range fees, some with higher dues, and others very comparable to our $30/year.

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